
First full year of The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry


The British Royal Court has released the following official statement, related to The Royal Foundation of TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Catherine, Princess William of Great-Brittain, and HRH Prince Harry of Wales, on 17 July 2012.

17th July 2012
The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry has changed its name to The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry. The change of name marks the end of the first full year in operation for the Foundation, which publishes its Financial Statement for the year ended December 2011 today.
The new name recognises the introduction of The Duchess of Cambridge as a Patron. A new website for the Foundation has also been created at www.royalfoundation.com
The accounts show that The Foundation has spent over £1.3m on charitable activity in this inaugural year of grant-making. The £1.3m spent during 2011 included administering The Royal Wedding Charitable Gift Fund, identifying and distributing donations to 26 charities on behalf of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Other grants have since been made, and there are plans for future grants – through collaborations and other projects – in the foreseeable future.
The accounts show The Foundation is continuing to build a robust long-term funding base to support projects that draw upon the interests of its Patrons. The growth in income raised in the last financial year includes income from activities related to The Royal Wedding Charitable Gift Fund and the sale of the official Wedding Programme.
The following are projects that The Foundation has supported, and which it continues to support. Not all grants relating to the following projects were made during the 2011 financial year, as some grants have been made subsequently:
Veterans and Military Affairs 
  • The Foundation has worked in partnership with The Forces in Mind Trust to support the launch of a major new initiative aimed at helping the transition of servicemen and women into civilian life, including those whose injuries or psychological well-being affects their quality of life and that of others around them. As part of this partnership, The Foundation has jointly funded a mentoring project run by SSAFA Forces Help to provide support to assist wounded, injured and sick soldiers leaving the Army Forces.
  •  The Endeavour Fund was also created by The Foundation to provide opportunities for wounded and injured Servicemen and women to regain their confidence and rebuild their lives through expeditions and sporting challenges as part of their rehabilitation. The Fund – independently managed by an Advisory Board comprising alumni of past endeavours and representatives of organisations including Walking With The Wounded, Row2Recovery and Help for Heroes – will offer seed funding for new endeavours and help emerging initiates with advice, hands on support and mentoring.
  •  The Foundation made a grant to Walking with The Wounded, to assist the organisation’s future development.

Children and Young People 
  •  The Foundation has administered a grant to The Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge to help preserve a number of open spaces across the country. The Foundation has supported the initiative by covering the costs of permanently protecting the first five sites and as further incentive, the 500th, 1000th, 1500th and 2012th. The Foundation is also funding an online toolkit to help communities protect and maintain their outdoor spaces for future generations.
  • The Foundation is working with ARK to build the case for outdoor challenges and experiences as an integral part of both primary and secondary school education.
  • Aside from short residential trips for primary and secondary schools, the Foundation is working with Skill Force to develop longer, targeted outdoor challenges for young people who are, or are becoming, disengaged from education. These will be undertaken throughout the school year for smaller groups with the aim of helping participants to regain their confidence and self-esteem, and understand the benefits of re-engaging with their education.
  • The Foundation also made a grant in support of UNICEF’s East Africa Appeal following the visit by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to the UNICEF distribution centre in Copenhagen in November 2011.

Conservation and Sustainable Development
  • The Foundation will continue to explore the issue of conservation and sustainable development and in particular how it can raise awareness of the need to preserve and protect the world’s vulnerable species for the benefit of current and future generations.

The Royal Wedding Charitable Gift Fund
  • 26 Charities that benefitted from the Royal Wedding Charitable Gift Fund. These charities were grouped into particular areas: Changing Lives through Arts and Sport; Children Fulfilling Their Potential; Help and Care at Home; Support for Service Personnel and Their Families; and Conservation for Future Generations.

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