
The Crown Prince of Tonga married the Hon Sinaitakala Fakafanua

HRH Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala of Tonga, Prince Siaosi Manumataongo ʻAlaivahamamaʻo ʻAhoʻeitu Konstantin Tukuʻah, married the Hon Sinaitakala Fakafanua on 12 July 2012.

The bride was escorted to her groom by her oldest brother, the Hon Fatafehi Kinikinilau Lolomana'ia Fakafanua, Lord Fakafanua. The attendants were Ala-ki-Hihifo Fusi Levalasi Luani and Utufia 'i Moana 'o Tupoumoheofo Tuita, Paige Siukaufusi Ramanlala Vallabh was the flowergirl and the Hon Sosaia Lausi'i Ma'afu served as ringbearer.

The couple signed their official marriage registration on 10 July. Present at that ceremony was only the close family of the bride and groom. Tomorrow, there will be a Royal Ball and the festivities will conclude with a Thanksgiving Service and Lunch on Sunday.

The Crown Prince is the eldest son of King Tupou VI and Queen Nanasipau'u Tuku'aho. The new Princess of Tonga is the daughter of HRH Princess ‘Ofeina-‘e he-Langi of Tonga, Dowager Lady Fakafanu, and the late Hon Dr Kinikinilau Tuto’atasi, Lord Fakafanu. The bride was a teacher at the Queen Salote College before giving up her job to marry the Crown Prince.

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