
Prince William and (then) Princess William of Wales will visit Canada from June 30 till July 8, 2011

HRH Prince William of Wales and his then wife, HRH Princess William, will visit Canada from June 30 till July 8, 2011.

The official press release:
HRH Prince William of Wales and Miss Catherine Middleton to undertake a Royal tour of Canada

16th February 2011

Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton have accepted an invitation from the Government of Canada to undertake a Royal Tour of Canada.

The Royal Tour by Prince William and Miss Middleton will include Alberta, the Northwest Territories, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and the National Capital Region. The tour will take place from 30th June to 8th July, 2011.

A detailed itinerary will be published at a later date by the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Note from the owner of this blog: It is possible Prince William will "receive a Dukedom or Earldom with his wedding, making Catherine "HRH The Duchess of X" or "HRH The Countess of X," but for now, I'll list her on future events after the wedding as HRH Princess William.

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