
Royal Genealogy - July 2013

Royal Genealogy events in July 2013.

Royal births and pregnancy announcements
TH Prince Floris and Princess Aimée of Orange-Nassau, van Vollenhoven, had their third child and first son, Willem Jan, on 1 July. A brother for Magali and Eliane. HIH Princess Nilhan Osmanoglu of Turkey and Mehmet Behlül Vatansever had their first child, Hanzade, on 1 July. The pregnancy of Zara Tindall, née Phillips, daughter of HRH the Princess Royal, was announced on 8 July. Zara and her husband, Mike, are expecting their first child in 2014. Südkurie reported that TSH Hereditary Prince Christian and Hereditary Princess Jeanette of Fürstenberg are expecting their first child in December. Bunte reported that HSH Prince Ferdinand of Lippe-Weissenfeld and his wife, née HRH Princess Alice of Bavaria, are expecting their first child, a son, at the end of the summer. HRH Prince George of Cambridge, first child of TRH the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, was born on 22 July.

The list of current (known) Royal pregnancies:
-  Lord Frederick and Lady Frederick [Sophie] Windsor. (1st child, due in August of 2013)
- TIllH Hereditary Count Leopold and Hereditary Countess Annina Fugger of Babenhausen (3rd child)
- TRH The Duke and Duchess of Parma (2nd child, due in November 2013)
- TIRH Archduke Imre and Archduchess Kathleen of Austria
- TSH Hereditary Prince Christian and Hereditary Princess Jeanette of Fürstenberg. (1st child, due in December of 2013)
- Zara and Michael Tindall – 2014

Royal engagements and weddings
Lioba Meister, oldest daughter and middle child of HIRH Archduchess Gabriela of Austria and her former husband, Christian Meister, married Alistair Hayward on 13 July. HSH Princess Louisa of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg married Caspar Schmick on 20 July. The engagement between HIRH Princess Amélia of Brazil and James Spearman was announced on 25 July.

Royal Deaths
HIRH Princess Fawzia of Egypt, former wife of the late Shah of Iran, died on 2 July. HH Sheikha Fatima bint Ali bin Huwaidin Al Kutbi of Ajman died on 16 July. HSH Princess Margarita of Liechtenstein died on 26 July while HRH Princess Vacheahra Norodom of Cambodia died on 28 July.

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