
Wedding of Archduke Christoph of Austria and Adélaïde Drape-Frisch

HIRH Archduke Christoph of Austria and Adélaïde Drape-Frisch were married on December 28 (civil wedding) and 29 December (church wedding) in Nancy. The civil ceremony took place at the Hôtel de Ville and the church wedding took place in the Basilica of St. Epvre.

Before the civil marriage Archduke Christoph and Adélaïde visited Eglise des Cordelières with the parents of the Archduke, TIRH Archduke Carl Christian and Archduchess Marie Astrid of Austria, Princess of Luxembourg, and the parents of Adélaïde, Philippe Drape and Odile Drape-Frisch. On 29 December a gala completed the events surrounding the wedding.

Click HERE to view pictures of the visit to Eglise des Cordelieres. Click HERE to view pictures of the civil wedding. (PPE)
Click HERE to view pictures of the civil wedding. (Royal Press)
Click HERE to view pictures of the religious wedding. (PPE)
Click HERE to view pictures of the religious wedding. (Est Republicain)
Click HERE to view pictures of the religious wedding. (L'essentiel Online)
Click HERE to view pictures of the religious wedding. (Wort)
Click HERE to view pictures of the religious wedding. (Belga)
Click HERE to view pictures of galabanquet after the religious wedding. (Tageblatt Online)
Click HERE to view pictures of the civil and religious wedding. (monarchie.lu)
Click HERE to view the official picture taken after the civil wedding. (PPE)
Click HERE > to view the official picture taken after the religious wedding. (monarchie.lu)


Guestlist civil wedding:

The bride and groom:
- HIRH Archduke of Austria Christoph and Adélaïde Drape-Frisch

The parents of the groom: 
- TIRH Archduke Carl Christian and Archduchess Marie-Astrid of Austria, Princess of Luxembourg.

The parents of the bride: 
- Philippe and Odile Drape Drape-Frisch.

Grandparents of the groom: 
- HRH Duke Jean of Luxembourg.
- HIRH Archduchess Yolande of Austria, Princess of Ligne.

Brothers, sisters, brother-in-law and sister-in-law of the groom: 
- HIRH Archduchess Marie Christine of Austria, Countess of Limburg-Stirum and Count Rodolphe of Limburg-Stirum.
- TIRH Archduke Imre and Archduchess Kathleen of Austria.
- HIRH Archduke Alexander of Austria.
- HIRH Archduchess Gabriela of Austria.

Brothers and sisters of the bride: 
- Laetitia Drape-Frisch.
- Aliénor Drape-Frisch.
- Galdric Drape-Frisch.
- Louis-Joseph Drape-Frisch.

Other family members of the groom: 
- TRH Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg.
- TRH Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg, Countess of Lanoy.
- HRH Prince Félix of Luxembourg and his fiancée, Claire Lademacher.
- TRH Prince Louis and Princess Tessy of Luxembourg with HRH Prince Gabriel and HRH Prince Noah of Nassau.
- HRH Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg.
- HRH Prince Sébastien of Luxembourg.
- TIRH Archduke Rudolf and Archduchess Marie-Hélène of Austria, Prince and Princess of Habsburg-Lorraine.
- HIRH Archduchess Priscilla of Austria.
- HSH Fürst Franz Josef and HIRH Fürstin Constanza of Auersperg-Trautson, Archduchess of Austria.

This list has not been completed yet! Additions are welcome.

Guestlist religious wedding:

The bride and groom:

- HIRH Archduke of Austria Christoph and Adélaïde Drape-Frisch

The parents of the groom:
- TIRH Archduke Carl Christian and Archduchess Marie-Astrid of Austria, Princess of Luxembourg.

The parents of the bride: 
- Philippe and Odile Drape Drape-Frisch.

Grandparents of the groom: 
- HRH Duke Jean of Luxembourg.
- HIRH Archduchess Yolande of Austria, Princess of Ligne.

Brothers, sisters, brother-in-law and sister-in-law of the groom: 
- HIRH Archduchess Marie Christine of Austria, Countess of Limburg-Stirum and Count Rodolphe of Limburg-Stirum with Count Leopold of Limburg-Stirum.
- TIRH Archduke Imre and Archduchess Kathleen of Austria.
- HIRH Archduke Alexander of Austria.
- HIRH Archduchess Gabriela of Austria.

Brothers and sisters of the bride: 
- Laetitia Drape-Frisch.
- Aliénor Drape-Frisch.
- Galdric Drape-Frisch.
- Louis-Joseph Drape-Frisch.

Other family members of the groom: 
- TRH Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg.
- TRH Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg, Countess of Lanoy.
- HRH Prince Félix of Luxembourg and his fiancée, Claire Lademacher.
- TRH Prince Louis and Princess Tessy of Luxembourg with HRH Prince Gabriel and HRH Prince Noah of Nassau.
- HRH Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg.
- HRH Prince Sébastien of Luxembourg.
- HSH Prince Nikolaus and HRH Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein, Princess of Luxembourg with their children, HSH Princess Maria-Anunciata, HSH Princess Marie-Astrid and HSH Prince Josef of Liechtenstein.
- TRH Prince Guillaume and Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg with two of their four children, HRH Prince Paul-Louis and HRH Prince Jean of Nassau.
- HRH Prince Constantine of Nassau.
- HRH Prince Wenceslas of Nassau.
- HRH Prince Carl-Johann of Nassau.
- TIRH Archduke Rudolf and Archduchess Marie-Hélène of Austria, Prince and Princess of Habsburg-Lorraine.
- TIRH Archduke Carl-Christian and Archduchess Estelle of Austria with their eldest daughter, HIRH Archduchess Zita of Austria.
- HIRH Archduchess Priscilla of Austria.
- HIRH Archduke Franz Ludwig of Austria.
- HIRH Archduchess Alexandra of Austria.
- HSH Fürst Franz Josef and HIRH Fürstin Constanza of Auersperg-Trautson, Archduchess of Austria with their daughters, HSH Princess Anna-Maria, HSH Princess Ladislaya and HSH Princess Eleonora of Auersperg-Trautson. (The couple has a fourth, adopted daughter, Anna Maria.)

Other relatives of the bride: 
- Anne-Cécile Le Bihan

Other royal and noble guests: 
- TSH Prince Philip and Princess Isabelle of Liechtenstein.
- TIRH Archduke István and Archduchess Paola of Austria with their daughter, HIRH Archduchess Margarethe of Austria.
- HIRH Archduchess Viridis of Austria and Karl Dunning-Gribble with their eldest son, Carl Leopold Dunning-Gribble. - HRH Prince Nicholas of Romania.
- HH the Prince and HIRH the Princess of Ligne, Prince Michel and Princess Eleanor, Princess of Brazil, Princess of Orléans-Braganza, with HH Princess Alix and HH Prince Henri de Ligne.
- TSH the Duke and Duchess of Croy, Prince Rudolf and Princess Alexandra, Countess Miloradovich.
- Prince Charles-Louis and Princess Clotilde of Merode, Countess of Oultremont.
- HSH Princess Sophie of Hohenberg, Baroness of Potesta, and Baron Jean-Louis Potesta. - Charles-Louis Potesta.
- Elisabeth of Potesta.
- Eleonore and Diego de Cordova y Cervero.
- Lensgrevinde Antonia Holstein til Ledreborg.

This list has not been completed yet! Additions are welcome.


  1. The bride's sister (also her maid of honour) is not named Eleanor but Aliénor
