
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands announces abdication: Change in titles

HRH the Prince of Orange will become HM King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands on 30 April 2013.

When Queen Beatrix abdicates, HRH the Prince of Orange will become HM King Willem-Alexander, and HRH  Máxima of the Netherlands will become HM Queen Máxima. After abdicating, Queen Beatrix will be called HRH Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, etc. As soon as the Prince of Orange ascends the throne, his eldest child, HRH Princess Catharina-Amalia, will be the first in line to the throne. She will then become HRH the Princess of Orange (under section 7 of the Membership of the Royal House Act).

The titles and names of the other members of the Royal Family will not change after Queen Beatrix's abdication. The membership of the Royal House and the line of succession will however change under the above Act.

After the abdication, the line of succession will begin with the children of His Majesty the King: Her Royal Highness the Princess of Orange, Her Royal Highness Princess Alexia, and Her Royal Highness Princess Ariane. The next in line will be His Royal Highness Prince Constantijn, his children and finally Her Royal Highness Princess Margriet.

After the abdication, the children of Her Royal Highness Princess Margriet of the Netherlands and Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven will no longer be eligible for the throne. They will also cease to be members of the Royal House.

Source: RVD

The reason the list of members of the Royal House and the line of succession changes  is called the principle of proximity of blood. In this case it means that only those within three degrees of kinship can succeed and that only those within two degrees of kinship are members of the Royal House. (Of course this also includes his or her spouse.)

2 degrees of Kinships means the following in the case of HRH Prince Constantijn's children:
Countess Eloise, Count Claus-Casimir & Countess Leonore -> Prince Constantijn (1 degree) -> (Then) HRH Princess Beatrix (2 degrees) -> HM King Willem-Alexander (3 degrees)

This means they will still be in line of succession to the throne (3 degrees of Kinship), but won't be members of the Royal House. (2 degrees)

As for HRH Princess Margriet and her oldest two sons, HH prince Maurits and HH Prince Bernhard. Article 3.1 from the Wet lidmaatschap Koninklijk Huis (link below) states that everyone who was an adult at the effective date of the Act 9 (as well as their respective spouses) would remain a part of the Royal House as long as they were in line of succession. Therefor, Princess Margriet and her sons kept their membership of the Royal House with the Act of 2002. (With HH Prince Pieter-Christiaan and HH Prince Floris losing their memberships later on, because they didn't ask permission for their respective marriages.) Princess Margriet will remain in line of succession and therefor will also remain a member of the Royal House and Princes Maurits and Bernhard, no longer in line to the throne, will loose their membership of the Royal House.

However, membership of the Royal House CAN be given by Royal Degree, providing he or she is in line of succession. (Membership can also be given to spouses) Article 4. This does need to be approved by the Raad van State (= Council of State)

Source: Wet Lidmaatschap Koninklijk Huis via wetten.overheid.nl
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