
The Crown Princess of Norway travels to India to care for two newborn infants who were in hospital without parents while their fathers were waiting for a visa to enter the country

Source: Det Konglige Hoff; picture: Sølve Sundsbø
HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway has travelled to New Delhi, India, from 23 till 28 October 2012, to care for two newborn infants who were in hospital without parents while their fathers were waiting for a visa to enter the country.

The children’s fathers are close friends of the Crown Princess. One of the men holds an 80 per cent position as the director of the Crown Prince and Crown Princess’ Foundation and a 20 per cent position in the Royal Secretariat. The Crown Princess returned to Norway once members of the children’s immediate family arrived and assumed responsibility for their care.

The Royal Norwegian Embassy in New Delhi was informed that the Crown Princess would be coming to India on a private visit.

The Crown Princess resided at a hotel, and her expenses were covered by her private funds. The Crown Princess emphasises that she is not taking a position in the ongoing surrogacy debate.

The Norwegian Royal Court released the above statement along with a personal statement from the Crown Princess below.

There are times in life when one finds oneself in a complex situation where there are few or no good solutions. In such cases one must make difficult decisions, even though there may be repercussions. I found this to be precisely such a situation. 
For me the core of the matter was that were two newborn babies who lay alone in a hospital in Delhi. I was the one who was able to travel. It was important to me to help in any way I could. I discussed the issue with my husband before I made my decision. He agreed that I should go. 
There is an important ongoing social debate on surrogacy. My trip was not intended to be a contribution to this debate. For me this was a situation in which I was in a position to help to care for two newborn babies who were alone in the world. 
HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway
Source: kongehuset.no

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