
Wedding G&S: Pre-wedding interview

A pre-wedding interview with HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg and Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy took place last week. The content of this interview, along with pictures and videos of the event, have been embargoed until today, 8 October 2012.

Pictures from Wort of the couple during the interview can be found HERE.

Questions included:
- When did the couple met?
- How did the Hereditary Grand Duke propose?
- How does the couple see the future work engagements of the Countess?
- How is the couple going to spend their stag nights.
- Where is the honeymoon going to?
- What are the plans related to couples future children?
- How the they see the response of the people of Luxembourg in relation with Countess Stéphanie receiving the nationality.

Click HERE to read the answers at Wort.lu.

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