
Prince Emmanuel of Belgium to school for children with learning disabilities, other Belgian Princes and Princesses going back to school

Following the holidays, HRH Prince Emmanuel of Belgium, the youngest son and the third child of TRH de Duke and Duchess van Brabant, Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde, started at a school for children with learning disabilities, called "Eureka". On his first day, the Prince was taken to school by his father. (CLICK for a picture gallery from Belga.)

The other children of Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde, HRH Princess Elisabeth, HRH Prince Gabriel and HRH Princess Eléonore of Belgium, are going to school at the "Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege". De Princesses and de Prince were taken to school by their mother. (CLICK for a picture gallery from Belg.)

The children of Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde aren't the only Belgian Royals who go to the Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege. The youngest daughter of HIRH Princess Astrid of Belgium, Archduchess van Austria-Este, HIRH Princess Laetitia Maria of Belgium, Archduchess van Austria-Este, is also attending that school, as were here older siblings before her. The Princess was taken to school by her mother. (CLICK for a picture gallery from Belga.)

The other children of Princess Astrid and her husband, HIRH Archduke Lorenz van Austria-Este, Prince of Belgium, are HIRH Prince Amedeo of Belgium, Archduke van Austria-Este; HIRH Princess Maria Laura of Belgium, Archduchess van Austria-Este; HIRH Prince Joachim of Belgium, Archduke van Austria-Este; and HIRH Princess Luisa Maria of Belgium, Archduchess van Austria-Este. Prince Amedeo has finished University (Royal Military School and London School of Economics) and currently works for Deloitte in New York. Princess Maria Laura is currently following a fashion internship in China. Prince Joachim is studying Management in Milan and Princess Luisa Maria is going to school in England

The children of TRH Prince Laurent and Princess Claire of Belgium, HRH Princess Louise, HRH Prince Nicolas and HRH Prince Aymeric of Belgium are going to the school "Lycee Francais Jean Monnet".

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