
Royal Genealogy - April 2012

Royal Genealogy events in April 2012 .

Royal births and pregnancies
No Royal babynews has been made public in April 2012

The list of current (known) Royal pregnancies:
- TSH Fürst Philipp and Fürstin Leonille of Stolbert-Wernigerode, née Countess Douglas (3rd child, due in April 2012, possibly been born already)
- TRH the Duke and Duchess of Parma, Prince Carlos and Princess Annemarie of Bourbon-Parma (1st child together, second child for the Duke, due at the end of May 2012)
- HSH Princess Benigna Reuss and Oscar Ascoz y Planes (1st child, due in June 2012)
- Lady Davina and Gary Lewis (2nd child together, 3rd child for Gary)

Royal engagements and weddings
HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg announced his engagement to Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy on 26 April 2012. HSH Prince Rudolf of Liechtenstein married Tilsin Tanberk on 20 April 2012. HRH Princess Maria Carolina de Bourbon de Parme married Albert Brenninkmeijer in a civil ceremony on 21 April. They religious wedding will take place on 16 June 2012 in Florence.

Royal Deaths
HIRH Princess Fatma Neslisah Osmanoglu Sultan of Egypt and Turkey died on 2 April.

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