
Royal Genealogy - March 2012

Royal Genealogy events in March 2012.

Royal births and pregnancies
Peter Phillips and his wife née Autumn Kelly, had their second child and second daughter on 29 March 2012. Isla joins older sister Savannah. Lady Davina Lewis, oldest daughter of The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, and her husband Gary, are expecting their second child together. They share a daughter, Senna, and Gary has a son named Ari from a previous relationship. Fürst Philipp and Fürstin Leonille of Stolbert-Wernigerode, née Countess Douglas, are expecting their third child in April this year. They are already parents to Princess Elena and Hereditary Prince Carl.

The list of current (known) Royal pregnancies:
- TSH Fürst Philipp and Fürstin Leonille of Stolbert-Wernigerode, née Countess Douglas (3rd child, due in April 2012)
- TRH the Duke and Duchess of Parma, Prince Carlos and Princess Annemarie of Bourbon-Parma (1st child together, second child for the Duke, due at the end of May 2012)
- HSH Princess Benigna Reuss and Oscar Ascoz y Planes (1st child, due in June 2012)
- Lady Davina and Gary Lewis (2nd child together, 3rd child for Gary)

Royal engagements and weddings
Duke Konstantin of Oldenburg married Esther Sanchez on 3 March 2012.

Royal Deaths
Princess María Anna of Saxony died on 13 March 2012, while King George Tupou V of Tonga died on 18 March.

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