
Wedding W&C: Official approval from the Queen

HM Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom of Great-Brittain and Northern-Ireland has given official her approval on February 9, 2011, to the wedding of her grandson, HRH Prince William of Wales and Miss Catherine Middleton.

The approval read:
"NOW KNOW YE that We have consented and do by these Presents signify Our Consent to the contracting of Matrimony between Our Most Dearly Beloved Grandson Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of Wales, K.G. and Our Trusty and Well-beloved Catherine Elizabeth Middleton"

Because of the Royal Marriages Act 1772, all descendants from HM King George II Great-Brittain and Ireland must receive the Monarch's consent before their wedding, or the heirs from that union will be illegitimate and therefore banned from the line of succession to the British Throne.

There are a few exceptions.
1. Princesses who already married or will marry into foreign Royal families and their heirs will not need the consent of the British Monarch.
2. Any member of the family over the age of 25 who's marriage can not be consented by the Sovereign, may marry 1 year after giving notice to the Privy Council about their intention to marry. There is a but though, if both houses of Parliament disapprove of the wedding, the wedding will still be seen as invalid.

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