
30th wedding anniversary of Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg

February 14, 2011, will mark the 30th wedding anniversary of TRH Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg. New pictures have been released to celebrate this joyful event. Click HERE to see the pictures at the official website of the Grand Ducal family.

Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Theresa have 4 sons, HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, HRH Prince Félix, HRH Prince Louis and HRH Prince Sébastian, and 1 daughter, HRH Princess Alexandra. Prince Louis is the only one of the children of the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess who is married. The Prince is married to HRH Princess Tessy and they have 2 sons, HRH Prince Gabriel and HRH Prince Noah of Nassau.

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