
90th birthday of Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg

HRH Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg turned 90 yesterday, January 5, 2011. A concert was held in honor of Grand Duke Jean. Before the concert there was a photo opportunity with the Royal guests. In addition to the concert, there was a diner at the ship "Princesse Marie-Astrid".

Among those attending the concert were, other then Grand Duke Jean, Archduchess Marie-Astrid of Austria, née Princess of Luxembourg, oldest daughter of Grand Duke Jean, with her husband, Archduke Carl-Christian, and their children, Archduchess Marie-Christine of Austria, Countess of Limburg-Stirum, who seems to be pregnant and whose husband was not present at the concert, Archdukes Imre and Christoph and Archduchess Gabriella, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, the oldest son of Grand Duke Jean, his wife, Grand Duchess Maria Theresa, and their children and daughter-in-law, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Prince Félix, Prince Louis with Princess Tessy, Princess Alexandra and Prince Sébastian, Prince Jean of Luxembourg, the middle son of Grand Duke Jean, and his children, Princess Marie-Gabrielle and Princes Constantine, Wencelas and Carl-Johann of Nassau, it is unkown of the wife of Prince Jean, Princess Diane, was present, Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein, née Princess of Luxembourg, the youngest daughter of Grand Duke Jean, her husband, Prince Nikolaus and 3 of their 4 children, Princesses Marie-Annunciata and Marie-Astrid and Prince Josef-Emanuel, their oldest son, sadly, died young, Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg, his wife, Princess Sibilla, and their children, Princes Paul-Louis, Léopold and Jean and Princess Charlotte of Nassau, the Dowager Princess of  Ligne, Princess Alix of Luxembourg, the youngest sister of Grand Duke Jean, and the brother-in-law of Grand Duke Jean, King Albert II of the Belgians with his wife, Queen Paola.

Princes Gabriel and Noah of Nassau, children of Prince Louis and Princess Tessy of Luxembourg, and great-grandchildren of Grand Duke Jean, joined their parents and the other members of the family for the photo opportunity.

Count Rodolphe, husband of Archduchess Marie-Christine, wasn't present at the concert, but was present at the diner.

In addition the the photo opportunity with the entire family, pictures were released of Grand Duke Jean, and of Grand Duke Jean, Grand Duke Henri and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume. A picture of Grand Duke Jean with Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Theresa was released in December 2010. You can find these pictures at the official website HERE. A picture gallery of the events can also be found at the official website HERE. If you click HERE you'll see the group picture with the names of the Royals on it in French under the picture at the official website.

Pictures from PPE can be found HERE.

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