
It's a girl for Peter and Autumn Phillips

Peter and Autumn Phillips have become the proud parents of their first child, a girl, on December 29, 2010. The baby girl was born at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.

Mrs Peter Phillips has given birth to a baby girl

Mrs Peter Phillips was yesterday safely delivered of a baby girl at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. The weight of the baby was 8lbs 8oz. Mr Peter Phillips was present at the birth.

The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Princess Royal, Captain Mark Phillips and Autumn’s family have been informed and are delighted with the news. The baby’s name will be confirmed in due course.

This baby is the first child for Peter and Autumn, the first grandchild for The Princess Royal and the first great-grandchild for The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh, and is twelfth in line to the Throne.

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