
Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg turns 90 on January 5, 201

HRH Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg is turning 90 on January 5, 2011. To celebrate this, a picture was released of Grand Duke Jean with his oldest son and daughter-in-law, TRH Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Theresa.

A concert will be held in honor of Grand Duke Jean on January 5 and according to Wort, Grand Duke Jean, his children and grandchildren will all attend.

Grand Duke Jean is the oldest child of the late Grand Duchess Charlotte and the late Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma, and he was married to the late Princess Joséphine-Charlotte of Belgium on April 9, 1953. They have 2 daughters and 3 sons.

* HIRH Archduchess Marie-Astrid of Austria, Princess of Luxembourg, Princess of Nassau, Princess of Bourbon-Parma, who is married to HIRH Archduke Carl-Christian of Austria. They have 2 daughters and 3 sons.
** HIRH Archduchess Marie-Christine of Austria, Countess de Limburg-Stirum, who is married to Count Rodolphe de Limburg-Stirum.
** HIRH Archduke Imre of Austria.
** HIRH Archduke Christoph of Austria.
** HIRH Archduke Alexander of Austria.
** HIRH Archduchess Gabriella of Austria.

* HRH Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau, who is married to HRH Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, Duchess of Nassau, born Maria Teresa Mestre. They have 4 sons and 1 daughter.
** HRH Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg, Hereditary Duke of Luxembourg, Hereditary Duke of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma.
** HRH Prince Félix of Luxembourg, Prince of Nassau.
** HRH Prince Louis of Luxembourg, Prince of Nassau, who is married to HRH Princess Tessy of Luxembourg, born Tessy Antony. They have 2 sons.
*** HRH Prince Gabriel of Nassau.
*** HRH Prince Noah of Nassau.
** HRH Princess Alexandra Jof Luxembourg, Princess of Nassau.
** HRH Prince Sébastian of Luxembourg, Prince of Nassau.

* HRH Prince Jean of Luxembourg, Prince of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma, who was first married to Hélène Vestur. They have 1 daughter and 3 sons. They are divorced. Prince Jean is now married to HRH Princess Diane of Luxembourg.
** HRH Princess Marie-Gabrielle of Nassau.
** HRH Prince Constantine of Nassau.
** HRH Prince Wenceslas of Nassau.
** HRH Carl-Johann of Nassau.

HRH Princess Margaretha of Luxembourg, Princess of Liechtenstein, Princess of Nassau, Princess of Bourbon-Parma, Countess of Rietberg, who is married to HSH Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, Count of Rietberg. They have 2 sons and 2 daugthers.
** The late HSH Prince Leopold of Liechtenstein, Count of Rietberg.
** HSH Princess Maria-Annunciata of Liechtenstein, Countess of Rietberg.
** HSH Princess Marie-Astrid of Liechtenstein, Countess of Rietberg.
** HSH Prince Josef-Emanue of Liechtenstein, Count of Rietberg.

* HRH Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg, Prince of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma, who is married to HRH Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg, Princess of Nassau, born Sibilla Weiller. They have 3 sons and 1 daughter.
** HRH Prince Paul-Louis of Nassau.
** HRH Prince Léopold of Nassau.
** HRH Princess Charlotte of Nassau.
** HRH Prince Jean of Nassau.

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