
Official Visit from Finland to Jordan

The President of Finland, Tarja Halonen, and her husband, Pentti Arajärvi, are paying an official visit to Jordan.

The President inspected the Guard of Honour on October 10, 2010, in the presence of HM King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein of Jordan.

Jordan's King Abdullah (L) and Finland's President Tarja Halonen (C) review Bedouin honour guards upon her arrival at the Royal Palace in Amman October 10, 2010. REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed (JORDAN - Tags: POLITICS ROYALS)

Jordan's King Abdullah (C) and Finland's President Tarja Halonen (L) review Bedouin honour guards upon her arrival at the Royal Palace in Amman October 10, 2010. REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed (JORDAN - Tags: POLITICS ROYALS)

Jordan's King Abdullah (C) speaks with Finland's President Tarja Halonen upon her arrival at the Royal Palace in Amman October 10, 2010. REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed (JORDAN - Tags: POLITICS ROYALS)

Jordan's King Abdullah (3rd R) speaks with Finland's President Tarja Halonen (3rd L) upon her arrival at the Royal Palace in Amman October 10, 2010. REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed (JORDAN - Tags: POLITICS ROYALS)

Jordan's King Abdullah (R) speaks with Finland's President Tarja Halonen upon her arrival at the Royal Palace in Amman October 10, 2010. REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed (JORDAN - Tags: POLITICS ROYALS)

The President had a meeting with the King of Jordan at the Royal Palace in Amman on October 10, 2010.

Jordan's King Abdullah (R) speaks with Finland's President Tarja Halonen during their meeting at the Royal Palace in Amman October 10, 2010. REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed (JORDAN - Tags: POLITICS ROYALS)

Jordan's King Abdullah (R) speaks with Finland's President Tarja Halonen (C) and her spouse Pentti Arajarvi during their meeting at the Royal Palace in Amman October 10, 2010. REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed (JORDAN - Tags: POLITICS ROYALS)

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